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By Askarel in en

Today marks the tenth year of this domain, but my website existed already a year ago under a different name.

Lots of things happened, and the infrastructure evolved with the knowledge gained, while fooling around and screwing up things, here is a timeline of events:

  • 2003: started operating from a small ADSL line at home
  • 2004: Domain entered my possession, Zoneedit was handling the DNS zone and the mail reception
  • 2006: First IPv6 experiments, starting with my girlfriend’s home, using a SixXS tunnel
  • 2007: Playing around with a virtual machine running on somebody else server, no great result, service got shut down
  • 2008: First dedicated server at OVH
  • 2009: Dedicated server replaced by something beefier, IPv6 appeared, Partial SSL appeared with a CACert certificate
  • 2011: Joined the DN42 project to learn more about BGP routing
  • 2013: Due to Zoneedit failing to provide IPv6 on their name servers, their US-centric approach, and the Snowden case, i am now handling my own DNS and Email became self hosted.
  • 2014: In the process of replacing the current server, after 5 years of operation, it is time to move on to fresher hardware

The future:

There are many plans in the boxes for the future. The most immediate one will be to replace the SSL certificate by a paid one and go full SSL by default, then i plan to make the infrastructure much more resilient by distributing it: i don’t like the idea of having everything in the same place, even if i have backups. Downtime will hurt.

Mid-term project will be having my own personal cloud, and the long term one will involve AS numbers. 🙂

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  1. Congratulations…!!!

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